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  • Ceri Shaw
    @ceri-shaw • 2 hours ago • comments: 0
    Updated a Blog:
    Skäl release their raucous debut single 'All of The People' on Friday the 30th of August on Snowdonia Records
    Skäl release their raucous debut single 'All of The People' on Friday the 30th of August on Snowdonia Records.  ‘All Of The People’  is an urgent,...
    Ceri Shaw
    @ceri-shaw • 2 hours ago • comments: 0
    Posted a new blog:
    Skäl release their raucous debut single 'All of The People' on Friday the 30th of August on Snowdonia Records
    Skäl release their raucous debut single 'All of The People' on Friday the 30th of August on Snowdonia Records.  ‘All Of The People’  is an urgent,...
    Jaime Conrad
    @jaime-conrad • 2 hours ago
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    Jaime Conrad
    @jaime-conrad • 2 hours ago • comments: 2
    Posted a new Comment on The True Fighting Spirit of the Ordovices Tribe:
    "Thank you so much! I'm very happy to hear that you like the articles. Yes, I would love to do an email interview! I think maybe you already have my email..."
    Jaime Conrad
    @jaime-conrad • 2 hours ago
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    Ceri Shaw
    Jaime Conrad
    @jaime-conrad • 2 hours ago
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    Ceri Shaw
    @ceri-shaw • 2 hours ago • comments: 2
    Posted a new Comment on The True Fighting Spirit of the Ordovices Tribe:
    "Diolch for posting Jaime. An excellent article as always Might we do an email interview some time soon?"
    Ceri Shaw
    @ceri-shaw • 2 hours ago • comments: 2
    Rated a blog item created by @jaime-conrad with a 5:
    The True Fighting Spirit of the Ordovices Tribe
    Ceri Shaw
    @ceri-shaw • 2 hours ago • comments: 2
    Liked a blog item created by @jaime-conrad: The True Fighting Spirit of the Ordovices Tribe
    David John Geraint Jones
    @david-john-geraint-jones • 2 days ago
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    Jaime Conrad
    @jaime-conrad • 5 days ago • comments: 2
    Posted a new blog:
    The True Fighting Spirit of the Ordovices Tribe
    During the Iron Age and Roman Era, the Ordovices tribe lived in what is now south Clwyd and south Gwynedd in North Wales. In addition to parts of Clwyd and Gwynedd,...
    Jaime Conrad
    @jaime-conrad • 3 weeks ago • comments: 0
    Posted a new blog:
    Round Barrows: Bronze Age Wales’ Treasures of the Beaker People
    Round barrows, Bronze Age burial sites called “cairns” in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, are ancient graves their creators covered with a mound of earth. There are...
    Jaime Conrad
    @jaime-conrad • 3 weeks ago
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    Ceri Shaw
    Ceri Shaw
    Ceri Shaw
    Ceri Shaw
    Ceri Shaw