Ceri Shaw



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Summer Madness - or 'It Aint 'Alf 'Ot Mum'

user image 2010-07-30
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: about


Many of you will have noticed the new sliding ad feature at the head of the AmeriCymru homepage. Its kind of hard to avoid. You may also have noticed that it is navigable via the new next/previous buttons we have incorporated. We believe that this makes for an amazingly powerful and effective advertising tool. The AmeriCymru homepage has a Google page rank of 4 and is visited by approximately 1000 unique visitors a day. Several of the current ads will become redundant by early October and we are offering our members and readers these valuable slots for just $50 FOR A FULL YEAR!! We are making available six slots at this price and we pledge that there will never be more than 8 ads in rotation at any one time once the current event ads expire in October. Also we will rotate the ads within the rotation so that each ad gets a chance to be first on the page. If you are looking to reach a Welsh American audience this gives you the chance for just 50 dollars to reach an audience of 350,000 potential customers in the next 12 months. We will design your ad if you wish and include any graphics and links you specify. Furthermore we will allow unlimited design revisions to both the design and the target url in the course of your 12 month contract. We will also consider feature articles and interviews to promote your service or product which will be heavily publicized both on this site and via other social media.


Because we need to raise large sums of money very quickly to finance our intervention at Wordstock in support of Welsh publishers and authors. See the following post on WelshIcons posted by our good friend Dom Stocqueler:- You cant keep a Welshman down: Wales at Wordstock

For us Wales international image is far more important than a couple of quid. But plane fares cost money.


Well.... basically you'll need $50 , a product, book, event or CD of Welsh relevance to promote and a desire to help promote Wales and Welsh literature at the West Coast's largest and most prestigious literary festival. This is an opportunity to combine self-interest with altruism for next to nothing. We know that many people reading this post devoted considerable time and energy to supporting our campaign in the recent Chase Community Giving contest on Facebook. This is our way of saying thank you and we pledge to ensure that your promotional campaign is a success.


Ceri Shaw

Ceri Shaw
07/31/10 09:17:36PM @ceri-shaw:
GOOD NEWS!!! The siliding ad rotator has been added to three other pages on the site and ads will be included on these pages at no extra cost! We have only three spots available at the above advertised price so please email now if you want to take advantage of this offer. http://americymru.ning.com/page/left-coast-eisteddfod-live http://americymru.ning.com/page/the-left-coast-eisteddfod-2010 http://americymru.ning.com/page/americymru-members-lounge