Ceri Shaw



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Little Known Welsh Customs

user image 2011-04-01
By: Ceri Shaw
Posted in: Blogging

In the first of an occasional series on little known Welsh customs we would like to highlight the charming ritual performed in villages throughout Wales on St Pyr's Day.

From the Wikipedia :- "On the first day of April in villages around Wales it is the custom to throw one's oldest living male relative down a well in honour of St Pyr. St Pyr was the dissolute former abbot of Caldey Island who died after falling down a well as a result of extreme intoxication. Regarded in Wales as a national hero his 'Saints Day' is celebrated annually at gatherings on village greens during which participants dance around the well with pints of real ale singing "Yo ho...ho ho ho. Throw the ole b*****d down the hole" The festivities reach a climax when the oldest male relative is shoved down the well where he is left overnight with a pail of ale which is lowered down after him."


Llangelynnin holy well

Matthew Reese
01/27/14 11:39:55PM @matthew-reese:

Is that Samson the wiki article mentioned the same samdon who was friend to Dewi Sant?

Ceri Shaw
04/01/11 08:53:20PM @ceri-shaw:

For more information you should refer to Prof Dai Twaddle's classic account of Welsh myth and customs, the 'Llyfr o Stwff' or 'Book of Stuff' . also known as the B.S. for short.